Refactored script to use sub process for lsb_release and enhance readability with Black formatting

Discord bot written in Rust, using the Serenity framework. 

It's designed to interact with users in a Discord server, managing user XP based on message activity, and handling role assignments based on XP levels.


A Planetary Simulation written in Rust, creating a visualization of planets orbiting the Sun. 

It's designed to demonstrate the principles of celestial mechanics, using real-world physics to simulate gravitational forces and planetary motion.

The simulation features a dynamic model of planets orbiting a central star (the Sun), where each planet's motion is influenced by gravitational forces.

The project is inspired by a Python-based planetary simulation from Tech With Tim, adapted and expanded into Rust for enhanced performance.


Bounce is a simple 2D screen saver created using Rust and the ggez "Rust Game Thing".

In this 'game', you watch a bouncing square that leaves a colourful trail behind it. The square changes color in a rainbow-like pattern, creating a visually appealing effect as it moves around the screen.

A Python application for processing spreadsheet files. It provides a user-friendly interface to browse and select spreadsheet files, preview data, and process files by removing specified columns.

This application was created to help my mother with her job, which had her using hundreds of massive excel spreadsheets as a faux database instead of actually implementing a proper one
